- Authors submit manuscripts all year-round through the journal portal.
- Managing Editors acknowledge receipts of submissions.
- Managing Editors conduct a preliminary review of the manuscripts to see if submitted articles follow the journal’s guidelines and policies.
- Managing Editors make a report to the Editorial Board about the results of the preliminary review.
- Editorial Board assigns Deputy Editor-in-chief and Associate Editors to further check the merits of the manuscripts for peer review.
- If manuscripts merit peer-reviewing, editors (Deputy and Associate Editors) make the necessary recommendations to the Editor-in-chief for this purpose.
- Editor-in-chief through the Managing Editors sends initially approved manuscripts to reviewers for double-blind review.
- Reviewers return manuscripts to SABTON.
- Managing Editors inform the authors of the reviewers’ comments and recommendations.
- Authors act on the recommendations of the reviewers and submit revised versions of the manuscripts if necessary.
- The Editorial Board makes the final decision to evaluate a submission's suitability for publication.
- Editorial Board decides when to release the issue of SABTON.
- Any announcement or call for papers for this journal, on a special theme or topic, will be done by the Managing Editors upon approval by the Editorial Board.