Utopian Thinker: Marcuse on Utopia and the Possibilities for Social Change


  • Allison Cruyff V Ladero San Beda University and , Jose Rizal University


Capitalism, Critical Theory, Imagination, Social Change, Utopia


In a world that denigrates and wards off the power of imagination in effecting social change, Marcuse stands as one of the most enduring intellectuals whose utopian character remains relevant today. He rejects the finality of the existing society and believes in the possibilities for social change. Interestingly, his strong conviction toward imagining alternatives from the existing society earned him a reputation for being a utopian thinker.  Along these lines, this paper will then focus on Marcuse as a utopian thinker by exploring the notion of utopia and its relation to possibilities for social change. I argue, following Marcuse, that one’s ability to imagine could further evoke possibilities for social change. Indeed, Marcuse was not only critical of advanced industrial society, but he was also imaginative of what it could still become. Alternatively, one could say that he was critical of the intolerable social conditions precisely because he was imaginative of a better world in the first place.

Author Biography

Allison Cruyff V Ladero, San Beda University and , Jose Rizal University


Allison Cruyff V F. Ladero teaches Humanities and Social Sciences courses at San Beda University and Jose Rizal University. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Magna cum Laude) from Silliman University and Master of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Santo Tomas. His research interests include Herbert Marcuse, Critical Theory, and Social and Political Philosophy.





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How to Cite

Ladero, A. C. V. (2019). Utopian Thinker: Marcuse on Utopia and the Possibilities for Social Change. SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1), 96–111. Retrieved from https://journal.evsu.edu.ph/index.php/sabton-mrj/article/view/311