Herbert Marcuse’s Theory of Domination
Domination, Capitalism, Modern Technology, Culture IndustryAbstract
This investigation hopes to make an exposition of a theory of domination that can be found in the writings of the German critical theorist Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse thinks that man as well as human society has been reduced into a one-dimensional system in which needs are manufactured by the state’s technical capacity. Domination permeates all walks of life. Beginning with Sigmund Freud, the paper traces how a system of control has found its way into our way of life. Capitalism’s dominant values have characterized the nature of modern technology, from our gadgets to social media. The culture industry has reduced people and human relations into the superficial. The meaning of freedom, in this sense, should be found elsewhere. The author proposes a return to ordinary life where happiness is to be described as the freedom from false needs and empty desires.
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