
  • Marvin Credo Southern Leyte State University



Energy Efficiency, Smart Monitoring, Sustainable Buildings, PLX-DAQ


With the continuous rise in the cost of energy and environmental concerns such as global warming, it is imperative for developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region to adopt energy conservation measures given the limited resources. One of these measures is for an establishment to submit for an energy audit. Using experimental-developmental method, the study aims to develop a device that is non-invasive to monitor the values of the basic parameters of an electrical system for an energy audit. The device was evaluated in terms of its accuracy and functionality. It was found out that the average percentage errors for all the parameters tested were all in the allowable range. Moreover, t-test results revealed that there is no significant difference between the readings of the reference meters and the developed device. It is recommended that should other researchers modify the device, it should be made in a way that frequency will be added to the parameters that the device is capable of reading.

Author Biography

Marvin Credo, Southern Leyte State University

Instructor, College of Engineering and Technology
Southern Leyte State University
Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines


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How to Cite

Credo, M. (2018). NON-INVASIVE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PARAMETERS MONITORING DEVICE FOR ENERGY AUDIT. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 1(1).