
  • Mary Ann Jully Regis Southern Leyte State University
  • Marcelo Quevedo Visayas State University



Ethephon concentration, sprouting, yam, VU-2


This study was conducted to determine the effect of ethephon on the sprouting behavior of VU-2 yam tubers and to establish the most effective concentration and time of application of ethephon for early sprouting of yam tubers. The ethephon concentration of 500 mg/L was more effective when applied at one month after harvest (OMAH) in promoting early and high percentage and long sprouts while the delayed application (i.e., two months after harvest) resulted to delayed sprouting, low sprouting incidence, and production of short sprouts. Also, tubers applied with 500 mg/L ethephon immediately after harvest (IAH) reached 50% sprouting the earliest. The degree of sprouting, shriveling, and decay incidence was not significantly affected by the different concentration and time of application of ethephon.

Author Biographies

Mary Ann Jully Regis, Southern Leyte State University

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Southern Leyte State University
Hinunangan So. Leyte, Philippines, 6608

Marcelo Quevedo, Visayas State University

Visayas State University
Visca Baybay Leyte, Philippines, 6521-A


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How to Cite

Regis, M. A. J., & Quevedo, M. (2018). ETHEPHON TREATMENT FOR EARLY SPROUTING OF YAM (Dioscorea alata L.) TUBERS var. VU-2. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 1(1).