Another look at sensory attributes of broiler chickens fed with non-fermented and fermented diets


  • Gerald M. Rivera Visayas State University
  • Leomarich F. Casinillo Visayas State University



Fermented diet, steamed carcass, sensory attributes, coco vinegar, probiotic


This study aimed to assess the sensory attributes and general acceptability of steamed meat of broiler chickens fed with non-fermented (control) and fermented diets. The study used water, water + coco vinegar, and water + RPL8+AKE probiotic as fermenting causal agents. A total of thirty (30) breast carcass (steamed at 100oC for 10-15 minutes) samples per treatment at five grams (5g) per sample were utilized for evaluation. A group of thirty trained taste panelists composed of Food Technology students assessed the sensory attributes using the quality score and Hedonic scale sheets. Descriptive statistics were used in the sensory evaluation, and analysis of variance (ANOVA), and multiple comparison test using Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) test was used to compare the treatment means of the sensory attributes of the steamed meat samples in terms of skin color, flesh color, aroma, texture, taste, and general acceptability. The rating scores on skin colors (p-value=0.050), and texture (p-value=0.013) of steamed meat of broiler chickens fed with non-fermented and fermented diets were significantly different at a 5% level. Results revealed that the fermented diets have improved the broilers' skin colors (yellowish cream) and improved the texture quality of meat (moderately firm). Based on ANOVA, there is no significant difference observed in the descriptive scores in relation to flesh color (p-value=0.171), aroma (p-value=0.621), taste (p-value=0.723) and general acceptability (p-value=0.491). However, the steamed carcass of broiler-fed fermented diets (coco vinegar and probiotic) is slightly preferred based on ranks. Hence, fermented diets can modify the meat quality of broilers to meet consumers’ expectations.

Author Biographies

Gerald M. Rivera, Visayas State University

Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines.

Leomarich F. Casinillo, Visayas State University

Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, Philippines.


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How to Cite

Rivera, G. M. ., & Casinillo, L. F. . (2022). Another look at sensory attributes of broiler chickens fed with non-fermented and fermented diets. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 5(1).