Effects of Vermicompost Amelioration on the Soil Properties, Yield, and Profitability of Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)
Mungbean, vermicompost, growth and yield, productivity and incomeAbstract
Vermicompost amelioration is essential to the development of any crop. Mungbean does not need more nutrients, especially Nitrogen, because it can produce N through microbial nitrification. This study aimed to determine the effects on the soil properties, appropriate rates, and the profitability of vermicompost amelioration on mungbean production. The treatments were as follows; T1 - no vermicompost (control); T2 - 1 t ha-1 vermicompost; T3- 2 t ha-1 vermicompost; T4 - 3 t ha-1 vermicompost; T5 - 4 t ha-1 vermicompost and T6-30-30-30 kg ha-1 N, P205, K20 as the positive control. The study was laid in RCB Design with three (3) replications. The results revealed that the application of 4 tha-1 of vermicompost significantly increased the number of days from planting to flowering but high in LAI. Likewise, the weight (g) of 1,000 seeds and the total grain yield (tha-1) were also increased. The heaviest weight of 1,000 seeds was obtained with 4 t ha-1 of vermicompost and 30-30-30 kg ha-1 N, P205, K2O resulted in obtaining the highest grain yield. Application vermicompost 4 t ha-1 vermicompost obtained a higher gross margin of PhP28,300.00 among the vermicompost applied plants comparable to the positive inorganic control plants of PhP30,410.00. Therefore, it is recommended that the farmers use an organic fertilizer at 4 tha-1 of vermicompost for legume production to sustain the soil's fertility and productivity.
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