Assessment, regional yield trial, across locations, NSIC recommended varieties, net profitAbstract
The development of promising genotypes is a continuing activity by the breeders to give the farmers more choices of varieties to plant. This study aimed to evaluate, determine, and select promising peanut genotypes to be recommended to NSIC as new peanut varieties. There are 10 treatments, including the 3 check varieties, used in this study: T1-JONES, T2- ILOCOS RED, T3- LG Pn 06-36-2, T4- LG Pn 08-4a-2, T5-LG Pn 06-3-4-3a, T6-CVRC Pn 2011-002, T7- CVRC Pn 2011-001, T8-NSIC Pn19, T9- NSIC Pn14, T10- NSIC Pn18. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) having the 10 treatments replicated 3 times. Results showed that genotypes LG Pn 06-3-4-3a (T5), CVRC Pn 2011- 002 (T6), and CVRC Pn 2011-001 (T7) matured the earliest at 82-90 days comparable to check variety NSIC Pn14. Moreover, LG Pn 06-36-2 (T3), LG Pn 08-4a-2 (T4), LG Pn 06-3-4-3a (T5), CVRC Pn 2011- 002 (T6) attained the shortest plant height at 84-94 cm, comparable to the 2 check varieties NSIC Pn14 and NSIC Pn18. Genotypes planted during dry season produced a significantly higher weight of pods at an average of 2,862 kgha-1 and average total seed yield of 1,796 kgha-1 than wet season cropping at 2,361 kgha-1 mean pod yield and 1,523 kg ha-1 seed yield. Moreover, all peanut genotypes are resistant to moderately resistant to insect pests and diseases. Hence, it is recommended to plant peanuts during dry season cropping as it provides a higher grain yield than wet season cropping under Leyte conditions.
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