
  • Salvador John M. Magalong De La Salle University, Manila
  • Maricar Prudente De La Salle University, Manila




conceptual understanding, perceptions, next-generation, EMCS, blended learning


This study aimed to explore students’ perceptions and conceptual understanding in studying energy and momentum concepts using the NxGBL approach. NxGBL involves merging mobile devices, multimedia, and face-to-face instruction to empower personalized and progressive learning processes for the students to be equipped to cultivate modernization competence. It is a digital ecosystem involving students, instructors, content, and tools to support effective and efficient learning processes directly. Hence, it is necessary to obtain a new learning environment that subsequently developed into pedagogical approaches known as blended learning, flipped learning, and personalized learning. The combination of these techniques was used to carry-out lessons and in designing assessments covering energy and momentum concepts for a period of 2-weeks in one class. One group pretest-posttest design was used and conducted on 30 Grade 12 students under the STEM strand. Students' conceptual understanding was measured using Energy and Momentum Conceptual Survey (EMCS), while perceptions and learning experiences were gathered through a survey-questionnaire, journal reflections, and post-individual interviews. Results suggested that employing the NxGBL approach has potentials in increasing students' achievement in Physics.


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21st century skills in the Philippines, Assessment, Curriculum and Technology Research Center, Date of access: 222/07/2018. https://actrc.org/projects/current-projects/21st-century-skills-in-the-philippines/.




How to Cite

Magalong, S. J. M. ., & Prudente, M. (2020). EXPLORING STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS AND CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING IN A NEXT GENERATION BLENDED LEARNING (NXGBL) PHYSICS CLASS. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 3(1), 35–44. https://doi.org/10.70954/itmj.v3i1.153