TARAN-AWAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology Management
<p>The <strong>TARAN-AWAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (TJERTM)</strong> is the official peer-reviewed publication of the Eastern Visayas State University - Tanauan Campus (EVSU-Tanauan).</p>Eastern Visayas State University - Tanauan Campusen-USTARAN-AWAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology Management2719-0587The lived experiences of parents in supporting their children in distance education
<p>The global pandemic brought by COVID-19 rapidly shifted the educational system into distance learning where face-to-face teaching in schools has been suspended, affecting all students across the globe. Students have been abruptly transitioned to distance learning where modules are provided to them by the school and are given time to complete the lessons. As such, parents are also greatly affected by this change and are faced with challenges in supporting their children in this new learning set-up, a deviation from the traditional face-to-face classroom instruction. This qualitative research utilized Collaizi’s descriptive method based on a phenomenological study to explore and understand the parent participants’ experiences through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was utilized and 12 parent-participants who have at least one student enrolled in basic education between Grade 3 and Grade 6 and are currently in distance education are asked to participate in the study. Results show that parents fully support their children financially for the latter’s internet access and other needs, they are more lenient with their children to keep their student's mental health intact and are supportive of whatever outcome. Moreover, parents seek support from their family members to help them balance work and parental duties and they believe in the effectiveness of strong parent-teacher collaboration to fully support their children's education in distance learning. The findings of this study may aid other researchers in continuing this research and developing a program to assist parents in managing their time and providing more support to their children.</p>Andrew DyMel AlivioMary Ann Autida
Copyright (c) 2022 TARAN-AWAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology Management
2022-07-122022-07-1231315Exploring potential phytoremediation in the terrestrial and aquatic mined area in the Philippines: An integrative review
<p>The mining of heavy metals is one of the activities in the Philippines that provide jobs and income to the country. However, improper disposal of these heavy metals resulted in soil and water pollution. While phytoremediation is a green strategy that uses hyper-accumulator plants and their rhizospheric microorganisms to stabilize, transfer, or degrade soil, water, and environmental pollutants. Thus, this paper focused on exploring potential phytoremediation in the Philippines' heavy metal polluted mined area. An integrative review was employed, and data were grouped based on their similarities and differences, described and thoroughly discussed. Based on the study’s result, several plant species naturally grown in the area accumulated more heavy metals like copper, lead, nickel, mercury, and arsenic. Some plant species act as hyperaccumulators, phytostabilizers, and heavy metal tolerant. Moreover, these phytoremediators stored these heavy metals in their roots, rhizomes, and shoots. It is encouraged that the government includes phytoremediators' use in the rehabilitation of heavy metals polluted mined areas.</p>Ernil SumayaoJay PicardalDelsa Ariaso
Copyright (c) 2022 TARAN-AWAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology Management
2022-07-182022-07-18311630Impact of project Fruitful Learning in Note-Taking (FLINT) on learners’ performance in senior high school classes
<p>This classroom-based action research was conducted to act on improving the learning performance of students in Senior High School (SHS) classes with the implementation of Project FLINT (Fruitful Learning in Note-Taking) which carried out the utilization of Cornell Note-Taking Method (CNTM) to serve as the intervening teaching-learning strategy. Employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative designs, this study involved purposively sampled 98 SHS students. They answered content-based quizzes, which served as the primary quantitative research instrument administered every after accomplishing Cornell notes and surveys and reflections as supporting qualitative research tools. Consonant to the problems set, it was ascertained that Cornell Note-Taking impacts learners' performance positively. Noise, lack of English comprehension skills, and multitasking emerged as the top 3 problems in Cornell Note-Taking. Further, the learners' performance, which was observed to improve in the duration of the research, significantly relates to learners' Cornell Note-Taking skills. Project FLINT had undoubtedly provided a 'spark' for students as they have shown remarkable improvement in their learning. Hence, when such a learning experience is sustained, a 'fire' in learning or more positive results are expected.</p>Joemel Calderon
Copyright (c) 2022 TARAN-AWAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology Management