About the Journal
Journal Description
The TARAN-AWAN is derived from the town’s name, Tanauan, Leyte, the Philippines which serves as a view deck or viewpoint of knowledge, discoveries, and developments.
The TARAN-AWAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology Management with registered ISSN: 2719-0587 and E-ISSN: 2799-0745 is a multidisciplinary, and peer-reviewed journal of the Eastern Visayas State University – Tanauan Campus. It aims to disseminate relevant and significant research in Education and Technology Management across disciplines.
Focus and Scope
It calls for original articles such as research studies, reviews, theoretical and methodological principles and analyses, and perspectives on issues and concerning the different professions from a multidisciplinary perspective. The TARAN-AWAN Journal welcomes the submission of research studies on, teacher and classroom, technology in education, educational planning and administration, learner and learning, technology policy, information technology, innovation, and processes and among others.
Frequency and Publication Fee
The Journal publishes once per year; Special issues may be published within a calendar year. There is no Submission and Publication Fee.
Peer-Review Publication Policy
All contributions submitted to TARAN-AWAN JERTM that are selected for peer-review are sent to at least two independent reviewers, selected by the editors. Authors are welcome to suggest suitable independent reviewers and may be considered by the editorial board, but the editor’s decision on the choice of referees is final. It follows the best practice guidelines on research publication and all the articles must meet the rigors of an independent double-blind peer-reviewing system. This is to ensure that the journal publication holds scientific and academic value.
As a condition of agreeing to assess the manuscript, all reviewers should keep the submitted manuscript and associated data confidential, and not redistribute them without permission from the journal. If a reviewer seeks advice from colleagues while assessing a manuscript, he or she ensures that confidentiality is maintained and that the names of any such colleagues are provided to the journal with the final report. By this and by other means, TARAN-AWAN JERTM tries to keep the content of all submissions confidential until the publication date. Although we go to every effort to ensure reviewers honor their promise to ensure confidentiality, we are not responsible for the conduct of reviewers.
Reviewers should be aware that it is our policy to keep their names confidential, and that we do our utmost to ensure this confidentiality. Under normal circumstances, blind peer-review is protected from the legislation. We cannot, however, guarantee to maintain this confidentiality in the face of a successful legal action to disclose identity in the event of a reviewer having written personally derogatory comments about the authors in his or her reports. For this reason, as well as for reasons of standard professional courtesy, we request reviewers to refrain from personally negative comments about the authors of submitted manuscripts. Objective comments about the scientific content of the manuscripts, however, are strongly encouraged by the editors.
The reviewed articles bear the decisions of the reviewers for acceptance or rejection. In case of diverse decisions from the two reviewers, the editorial board has to convene and decide on the matter.
Criteria for Acceptance and Rejection.
Initial Review. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically using the email address. Submitted papers will be subjected first to initial review or the first stage of review. During the initial review, the Editors will assess the submitted articles with the following criteria:
- The submitted articles must pass the plagiarism detection test with a similarity index of 15% and below, otherwise, the article is rejected.
- The submitted articles are free from major methodological flaws.
- The editors will provide initial comments and suggestions to further improve the manuscript.
The result of the initial review will determine whether the article will be indorsed for peer review or will be rejected.
Second Stage of Review. If the article passed the initial review, the Managing editors will email the corresponding author to revise the initial comments and suggestions. At least 2 external reviewers will be tasked to review the acceptability of the paper. Once all reviews have been received and considered by the Editor-in-Chief, an e-mail with the decision is sent to the corresponding author. The following decisions are possible:
- Accepted without revision
- Accepted, revision required
- Rejected
In all cases, the editors reserve the right to accept, reject or suggest revisions in the submitted material. Only exclusive content that has not been published elsewhere is to be submitted. The journal will copyright all works selected for publication. All submissions will be edited for accuracy, clarity, quality, and length.
Ethics Policy
Authors must be honest in presenting their results and conclusions of their research. Misconduct in research is harmful to the body of knowledge as it could mislead other researchers.
Research Results. Fabrication, falsification, or selective reporting of data with the intent to mislead or deceive is unethical, as is the theft of data or research results from others. The results of research should be recorded and maintained to allow for analysis and review. Following publication, the data should be retained for a reasonable period and made available upon request. Exceptions may be appropriate in certain circumstances in order to preserve privacy, assure patent protection, or for similar reasons.
Competing Interests. All authors, referees, and editors must declare any conflicting or competing interests relating to a given article. Competing interests through their potential influence on behavior or content or perception may undermine the objectivity, integrity, or perceived value of the publication.
Authorship. All those who have made a significant contribution should be given chance to be cited as authors. Other individuals who have contributed to the work should be acknowledged. Articles should include a full list of the current institutional affiliations of all authors, both academic and corporate, Country, and Email Addresses of every author.
Duplicate submission. Simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to different journals will not be tolerated. The submitted article will be removed without consideration.
Copyright Policy
The ownership of the article is retained by the author/s and grants the journal right of first publication with the work. However, the copyright of all the published works in the journal including all forms is retained by the publisher. The author/s should verify that the submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. It is the responsibility of author/s to secure all necessary copyright permissions for the use of 3rd-party materials in their manuscript. The author/s declare/s that the article submitted is their original work and has been written by the stated author/s.
Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists. By submitting the manuscript, it is believed that the author(s) will be responsible for any disputed content in the respective paper/article and author(s) provide formal consent to TARAN-AWAN Journal/publisher and transfer of copyright. The Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Managing Editors, Peer-reviewers, and Editorial Board Members of the journal cannot be held responsible for any errors, controversies, or any consequences from the use of the information contained in the journal. It is also accepted by the manuscript submitted that he/she shall never challenge the Editors/Publisher in any court of law in any issue. The concepts and views expressed in the research papers/articles in the journal do not essentially correspond to the views of the publisher/editor. The publisher/editor of the journal is not liable for errors or any consequences arising from the exercise of information contained in it.
Published articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Open Access Policy
Online Version of the Journal. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the internet on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Printed Version of the Journal. While the online format of the articles is accessible for free, the printed form of the TARAN-AWAN Journal will be for a fee attributed to printing costs. The printed version will cost PhP 1,000.00 which will include all articles from the issue. Courier fees shall also be asked from the requisitioner.
Digital Preservation Policy
All the final digital copies of the journal shall be deposited in both cloud and offline storage. The Managing Editors shall send copies of the published articles at taranawan.jertm@evsu.edu.ph and shall upload them to its Google Drive account organized by Volume. Also, a dedicated external storage drive shall be used to store the final digital copies of the articles published.
Complaint Policy
The Journal will investigate if it receives a complaint that a contribution to the Journal violates intellectual property rights, has material inaccuracies, or otherwise contains unlawful elements. A request that the parties involved that will substantiate their assertions may be made as part of the investigation. The Journal will make a good faith determination whether to remove the allegedly wrongful material. The Journal is responsible for documenting all investigations and decisions. The Journal may decide not to remove the material considering that the complaint has no substantial foundation and evidence, or if found guilty, the material shall be subject to retraction policy. The Editorial Board and Staff of the TARAN-AWAN Journal will make every effort to put matters right as soon as possible in the most appropriate way, offering the right of reply where necessary. As far as possible, we will investigate complaints in a blame-free manner, looking to see how the process can be improved to prevent mistakes from occurring.
How to Make a Complaint. Complaints about editorial content should be made as soon as possible after publication, preferably in writing by email to: taranawan.jertm@evsu.edu.ph.