Exploring potential phytoremediation in the terrestrial and aquatic mined area in the Philippines: An integrative review


  • Ernil D. Sumayao Biliran Province State University
  • Jay P. Picardal Cebu Normal University
  • Delsa Ariaso Cebu Normal University


Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Management, Mining Industry, Soil and Water Pollution, Heavy Metals


The mining of heavy metals is one of the activities in the Philippines that provide jobs and income to the country. However, improper disposal of these heavy metals resulted in soil and water pollution. While phytoremediation is a green strategy that uses hyper-accumulator plants and their rhizospheric microorganisms to stabilize, transfer, or degrade soil, water, and environmental pollutants. Thus, this paper focused on exploring potential phytoremediation in the Philippines' heavy metal polluted mined area. An integrative review was employed, and data were grouped based on their similarities and differences, described and thoroughly discussed. Based on the study’s result, several plant species naturally grown in the area accumulated more heavy metals like copper, lead, nickel, mercury, and arsenic. Some plant species act as hyperaccumulators, phytostabilizers, and heavy metal tolerant. Moreover, these phytoremediators stored these heavy metals in their roots, rhizomes, and shoots. It is encouraged that the government includes phytoremediators' use in the rehabilitation of heavy metals polluted mined areas.


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How to Cite

Sumayao, E., Picardal, J., & Ariaso, D. (2022). Exploring potential phytoremediation in the terrestrial and aquatic mined area in the Philippines: An integrative review. TARAN-AWAN Journal of Educational Research and Technology Management, 3(1), 16–30. Retrieved from https://journal.evsu.edu.ph/index.php/tjertm/article/view/321


