Accounting students’ perception towards efficient teaching behavior and effective classroom management
Classroom management, Communication and interaction, Field content knowledge, Teaching behavior, Teacher leadershipAbstract
The purpose of this study is to describe the perception of accountancy students towards their instructor’s efficient teaching behavior and effective classroom management in terms of communication and interaction, teacher leadership, and subject content knowledge. A descriptive quantitative research design was employed in the study, where an adopted survey instrument was carried out among the seventy (70) accountancy students of Eastern Visayas State University – Tanauan Campus using total enumeration. The survey tool was uploaded into a Google Form and was disseminated to the respondent’s Facebook group chats. The data gathered was analyzed using various descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage score. Results revealed that students want their accounting professors to be empathetic and caring, to appreciate and care for their students. Most students, on the other hand, anticipate their professors to be the least unselfish. According to the respondents, accounting professors should be upbeat and teach others how to be enthusiasts, as well as educated in the field of accounting and open to new ideas and advancement. Accounting professors should be specialists in their subjects and should be able to convey topics clearly and simply. Accounting students expect their professors to properly manage the class by regularly monitoring student conduct, announcing class schedules, organizing class flow, and displaying classroom rules and procedures. This study may help teachers in the accounting program improve their teaching behavior and their classroom management.
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