Perceived importance and level of mathematical skills among math and non-math major students in mathematics in the modern world
General education course, Mathematics in the modern world, Perceived level of mathematical skills, Perceive important mathematical skillsAbstract
The study assessed the extent of skills acquired by the mathematics and non-mathematics major students to the new general education course, MMW. Specifically, this study investigated the significance of the difference between the levels of mathematical skills and perceived important mathematical skills of the students for career success. Likewise, the correlation between perceived acquired mathematical skills and important mathematical skills in MMW. A descriptive research design, comparative, and correlational methods of analysis were utilized. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire with prior validation and reliability measurements. A random of 134 teacher education students were selected. The results revealed that the overall level of mathematical skills in the MMW of the mathematics major students was very good, while Good for the non-mathematics major students. On the other hand, the mathematics major students perceived the skills acquired in the MMW as very important for career success for a moderately important perception of the non-mathematics major students. A statistical significance of the difference was obtained between the level of mathematical skills (t = 7.69, p = 0.001), and the perceived importance of skills (t = 4.65, p = 0.001) between the group of students. A significance of the relationship was found between student’s perceive important mathematical skills and perceived level of mathematical skills (r=0.421; p=0.001). It is recommended that the teacher education department faculty members should continue improving and strengthening its quality of instruction to increase the level of mathematical skills of the mathematics major students from very good to excellence, and good to excellence for the non-mathematics major students. Maximize the teaching motivation and learning motivation of the non-mathematics major students to increase their perception of the importance of mathematical skills from moderately important to very important.
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