Science teachers teaching competence and students’ satisfaction
Classroom management, Commitment, Knowledge of the subject matter, Science teaching competence, Student’s satisfaction, Teaching strategiesAbstract
Today’s educational system has an increasing demand for teachers competent enough to help improve students learning in science. Similarly, students feel the need for teachers who can teach and communicate effectively. When these needs are met, students feel contentment and satisfaction in learning. Hence, the study's purpose was to examine the student’s perceived level of competence and the level of satisfaction on the science teaching competence of their science teachers according to commitment, knowledge of the subject matter, application of teaching strategies, and classroom management. Specifically, this aims to determine which of the science teaching competence variables greatly influence the overall satisfaction of students. A random sample of 195 students was identified through a stratified random sampling method from the three public secondary schools. Ordinal regression analysis was utilized to answer the study objectives. The results revealed that students are satisfied with their perceived level of competence in the four areas of science teaching competence. The four science teaching competencies explained a significant amount of variance in student’s overall satisfaction with the science teacher competence. However, only the application of teaching strategy out of the four science teaching competence variables showed statistical significance in influencing student’s overall satisfaction. Results implied that teachers’ application of varied teaching strategies contributes to the overall satisfaction of students towards their teachers’ teaching competence. It is recommended that learning institutions should further intensify the conduct of training on their teachers to improve students’ satisfaction among the teaching competencies identified.
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