Factors influencing career preference of junior high school students for senior high school study
Career preference, career selection factors, Interest, Job opportunities, Personality, Peer influenceAbstract
Choosing a senior high school career or tracks to pursue is one of the most challenging decision any junior high school student may undertake. As a response, the objectives of this research were to investigate junior high school student's career preferences for senior high school studies, as well as the determinants that may influence their career selection. Using a stratified random sample technique, a total of one hundred sixty-six students were chosen at random. To quantify the influence of the indicated career selection determinants on students' career preferences, the researchers used a descriptive and predictive correlational research design. The required data was gathered using a standardized survey questionnaire. Personality, parents, job opportunities, and interest were found to be statistically significant in influencing and predicting students' career preferences, out of the five career selection determinants. In the model, only the peer component (LRT p-value = 0.110) was shown to be statistically insignificant. Among the career selection determinants, the variable interest was found to have the strongest influence on students' course preferences. It can be inferred that diverse career selection factors have statistically significant effects on students' senior high school career choices. Since students' preparation in senior high school is crucial to their subsequent studies in tertiary education, or employment after senior high school, the study gives vital inputs for students, parents, and school officials on how to lead and develop their career plans. A similar study may well be conducted using additional course selection characteristics discussed in the study, or this study could be conducted in a different location to corroborate or refute the findings.
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