
  • Ian Phil Canlas School of Arts and Sciences, University of Central Asia, Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic




disaster risk reduction, disaster risk reduction education, teaching strategies, instructional materials, student assessment, teacher professional development


Disaster risk reduction is among the emerging multidisciplinary fields that cut across different sectors of the society, including the education sector. This study aimed to review the implementation of disaster risk reduction education in Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Fiji Islands with emphasis on teaching and learning. More specifically, the review covered curriculum and content, teaching strategies and instructional materials, student assessment, professional development for teachers and education leaders, as well as challenges and gaps. Results revealed that there exist similarities and differences in the selection and implementation of disaster risk reduction strategies in teaching and learning. This may be brought by the differential vulnerability, including differences in geographical locations, demographic distribution, level of socio-economic development, among others. This study adds to the growing body of knowledge on the need for a contextual approach to disaster risk reduction and disaster risk reduction education in particular.


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How to Cite

Canlas, I. P. (2020). A REVIEW OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION EDUCATION IN JAPAN, THE PHILIPPINES, INDONESIA AND FIJI ISLANDS. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.70954/itmj.v2i1.80