
  • Zussette Candelario-Aplaon Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology Bongabong Campus; Labasan, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro



Balancing equation, Linear Algebra, Gauss-Jordan elimination, Row Echelon Form, Matrix Calculator


Balancing equations is among the most complex topics in Chemistry. Teachers find it difficult to teach while the students find it challenging to understand. The way it was taught in Chemistry class is the trial and error approach, which could be tedious and complicated for the students. However, balancing equations could be done easily through the integration of Linear Algebra. This study was anchored on Bruner's Constructivist Theory with emphasis on the heuristic nature of learning using Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract (CPA) approach. The study utilized the expository research design, which primarily aimed to determine the effectiveness of using Matrix Calculator in balancing chemical equations. In this study, the chemical equation was converted into a system of linear equations and to matrix form. The Matrix Calculator was used to facilitate easy computation. The findings showed that the Matrix Calculator could be an effective teaching tool for Chemistry teachers and could perform complex chemical reactions. 


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How to Cite

Candelario-Aplaon, Z. . (2020). BALANCING CHEMICAL EQUATIONS USING GAUSS-JORDAN ELIMINATION AIDED BY MATRIX CALCULATOR. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 2(1).