Wireless monitoring, precision agriculture, farming, cacao-coconut shading managementAbstract
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) have attracted the attention of many researchers nowadays. With the rapid technological development of sensors, WSN becomes the key technology for IoT. WSNs are regarded as an innovative information gathering method for various applications, and environmental monitoring is one area of interest. This paper is a study of application of Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of things for environment monitoring, particularly Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) monitoring in Cacao-Coconut intercrop model. One of the problems in cacao farming that needs to be addressed is shade management and monitoring. Appropriate shading management and monitoring reduce the stress of cacao from too much exposure to sunlight, minimize pest infestation and increase plant growth. However, the needed shade management and monitoring in cacao plantation are very challenging to realize because of issues such as manpower and labor cost. To address these issues a wireless Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor networks is proposed. This kind of sensors can be randomly deployed in multiple numbers over a vast cacao-coconut plantation and will measure and log its exposure to sunlight through PAR. Also, the sensors will communicate with one another in order to deliver the measured variable from the sensor’s location to the base station for analysis and monitoring in real time. Results showed that the wireless PAR sensor networks could significantly reduce the needed man-hours for shade management and monitoring because it can easily locate and identify the areas that need proper intervention.
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The copyright holder is the Innovative Technology and Management Journal, Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City, Philippines.