
  • Evelyn Cardoso Eastern Visayas State University



Spreadsheet, anthropometric indicators, Visual Basic Application for Excel, Health and Nutrition, e-BMIC


Existing Body-Mass-Index (BMI) calculators generate reports by data migration, or encoding analyzed nutritional data into the spreadsheet. Then, the user formats these reports according to the Organization’s specifications. In some cases, the user does manual computation and analysis, or the spreadsheets require additional coding and importation of growth standards. These knowledge and skills are beyond the capability of most end-users. This paper, therefore, aimed to innovate an electronic Body-Mass-Index Calculator (e-BMIC) for generating auto-formatted nutritional reports that are usable by even the techno-challenged end- user. The program was written in Visual Basic Application for Excel following the modified waterfall software design. Since it runs on personal computers and mobile devices, it is useful for health workers conducting field monitoring and reporting in rural communities. Its major distinct features are the following: (a) automatic calculation, generation, and formatting reports without data migration; (b) provision of management modules for data entry to allow users with limited Excel knowledge and skills; and (c) immediate display of an individual client’s nutritional status in the user-interface and worksheet. Based on accuracy and reliability, it generated error-free nutritional status reports for Eastern Samar Division of the Department of Education in the Philippines. It was assessed as excellent for usability and more likely to be recommended to users. However, the future of this application is intensifying its usability and capability while extending it for general purpose implementation.

Author Biography

Evelyn Cardoso, Eastern Visayas State University

College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department
Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines


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