The Simulation of Water Level Using Delft3D Hydrodynamic Model to analyze the case of coastal Inundation in Pontianak
Sea Level, Tidal Flooding, Delft-3D, FNL, Correlation, PontianakAbstract
Several Indonesian coastal areas are prone to tidal flooding, one of which is Pontianak. High tides can trigger floods due to astronomical and meteorological factors. This study discusses the Delft3D hydrodynamics model’s performance in alluding to sea level and wave height in 4 cases of tidal flood events. Final Data (FNL) Global Operational Analysis from NOAA and tidal component data from oceananomatics are used to the Delft3D model. The model output consists of sea level is verified using tide gauge observation data from BIG. This is then used to analyze sea level to 4 flood events with the accumulated rainfall data from GSMaP, wind, pressure from ECMWF, and rainfall observations to describe the hydro-meteorological conditions. Based on four sea-level simulation cases, the Delft3D hydrodynamic model can perfectly reproduce the sea-level rise pattern. This can be seen from the correlation value of 0.93 - 0.96. Even though the simulated seawater level's value has a high error, it was significantly resolved after the datum correction (with a decrease in error of ±7-11 cm). Generally, the most dominant hydro-meteorological conditions affecting the level of flood events are waves and the direction (45°-90° towards the Pontianak Coast) and speed (4-16 knots) of the wind.
In some cases, heavy rain can exacerbate tidal flooding conditions if it coincides with high sea-level conditions. It can obstruct the river's flow into the sea and cause water to overflow on land. This research can be used to consider making early warnings of tidal flooding in coastal areas, especially Pontianak. In addition, it is better to use forecast data (GFS) to make predictions and early warnings of tidal flooding.
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The copyright holder is the Innovative Technology and Management Journal, Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City, Philippines.