Design of a Concentrated Solar Power System Using Computational Fluid Dynamics


  • Renyl B. Barroca
  • Nelson H. Enano, Jr.
  • Randell U. Espina
  • Lawrence A. Limjuco
  • Roberto Louis P. Moran
  • Aristotle T. Ubando



Davao city, renewable energy, concentrated solar power, ray-tracing software, computational fluid dynamics, Philippines


Concentrated solar power (CSP) is an alternative approach to harnessing the sun's power to generate renewable energy. As the requirement for the generation of energy grows, the demand for concentrated solar power also increases. Recently, efforts in using CSP technology to generate renewable energy have been adopted globally, with a 6.45 GW capacity installed. With plans of the Philippines to further strengthen the country's energy production and enhance the production of renewable energy in Mindanao, this study proposes to design a CSP specifically for Davao City using a computational fluid dynamics approach. The parabolic dish and a receiver can accommodate a concentrator dish of 10 meters in aperture diameter for installation in Davao City. The design scale-up of the concentrator is then assessed with its efficiency using ANSYS Fluent. In addition, SolTrace and the fluent discrete ordinates radiation model can predict the potential thermal energy extracted from solar radiation. The results show the heat flux pattern in the CSP receiver entrance.

Author Biographies

Renyl B. Barroca

Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technologies, Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City 8000, Philippines

Nelson H. Enano, Jr.

Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technologies, Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City 8000, Philippines

Randell U. Espina

Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technologies, Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City 8000, Philippines

Lawrence A. Limjuco

Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technologies, Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City 8000, Philippines

Roberto Louis P. Moran

Mindanao Renewable Energy R&D Center, Department of Science and Technology, Gen. Santos Avenue Bicutan, Taguig City Metro Manila 1631 Philippines

Mechanical Engineering Department, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

Aristotle T. Ubando

Mindanao Renewable Energy R&D Center, Department of Science and Technology, Gen. Santos Avenue Bicutan, Taguig City Metro Manila 1631 Philippines

Mechanical Engineering Department, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

Thermomechanical Analysis Laboratory, De La Salle University, Laguna, Philippines

National Research Council of the Philippines, Department of Science and Technology, Gen. Santos Avenue Bicutan, Taguig City Metro Manila 1631 Philippines


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How to Cite

Barroca, R. B., Enano, Jr., N. H., Espina, R. U. ., Limjuco, L. A. ., Moran, R. L. P., & Ubando, A. T. (2021). Design of a Concentrated Solar Power System Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Innovative Technology and Management Journal, 4(1).

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