Author Guidelines
The Aradman Multidisciplinary Research Journal only accepts original research article submission from social sciences and humanities, literary and artistic forms, economic models, physical sciences thoughts, mathematical concepts, and physical education disciplines between 5,000-8,000 words. Abstract should between 150-200 words inclusive of keywords and/or phrases.
To be considered for the review process, submitted article must conform to the following guidelines:
1. The entire article is written in American English, single-spaced, one column, letter size (8.5 inches x 11 inches), Times New Roman font size 12 with title only. Author/s must refrain from identifying himself/themselves directly (or indirectly) within the body of the article or in the research instruments to ensure unbiased peer review process.
2. Article title must not exceed 15 words excluding preposition and in boldface.
3. A separate file containing the Title Page must be submitted indicating the Author/s name, affiliation and email address. Author and affiliation must indicate full name including middle initial (if any), affiliation below it and email address (preferably with university/agency domain, i.e. If more than one author, succeeding authors are listed below without space in-between. A corresponding author should be clearly stated when the article has more than one author with the exact email address for online correspondence.
4. Abstract must clearly reflect within word limit the study objectives, methods, findings, and conclusion. Avoid in-text citations in the abstract, spell out acronyms completely. The last part presents no more than ten keywords and/or phrases. Ensure not to exceed 200 word count.
5. References. One space before and after “References†word. Only sources cited in the manuscript, either as in-text citations, data and chart sources are listed in alphabetical order by author/s of publisher, follows a 0.3 inch hanging format, no space before and after each listing. Each reference entry should contain all the necessary information clearly referring to a published work. Every cited reference in the text should be on the reference list. Following APA format, online source URL have to be exactly copy pasted towards the end of each online reference introduce by “Retrieved fromâ€. However, when the online source has a DOI, reflect it instead of the URL.
6. Referencing style. The Aradman adopts the latest version of the American Psychological Association (APA) reference listing and in-text citations. Author/s must consult appropriate APA citation guidelines to ensure correctness of usage.
7. Place table title above each table, whereas place figure or plate title below each image. Titles for tables and captions for figures must concise and understandable.
8. Use Hindu-Arabic numerals instead of Roman numbers, do not spell out unless they are used at the beginning of a statement. Hindu-Arabic numbers one to ten have to be spelled out completely, except when used for tables and lists. Use the word “percent†in the text for percentage and decimal fractions.
9. Write in italicized form all scientific names of species mentioning author/s during first mentioned in the text and without author in succeeding citations.
10. The Aradman adheres to the International System of Units, the metric system. Units of abbreviations are used only beside Hindu-Arabic numerals (i.e. 8m). Plural form or period for abbreviation of unit is not accepted. Use the bar for compound units (i.e. 15 kg. ha/yr). Place zero before the decimal for each number less than one (i.e. 0.01).
11. The manuscript must pass the plagiarism detection test with a score of at most 10% or less Similarity Index and a Grammarly Rating of 80% or more. Otherwise, the manuscript is returned back to the author(s).