Editorial Policy
Editorial Policy
The following policies apply to the Asian Journal of Governance and Education (AJGE),
The Asian Journal of Governance and Education (AJGE) with ISSN 2704-3037, is the official research journal of Graduate School, Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU) published annually through the auspices of the EVSU Press. It is devoted to publishing original papers in the broad areas of governance and education. The AJGE, as an open accessed peer-reviewed research journal, does not oblige any publication fee from authors and contributors, neither accepts nor commissions a third party consent.
Aims and scope
AJGE aims to be a leading peer-reviewed research journal in the graduate and postgraduate educational spheres. It seeks to publish top quality researches targeting Asia and the entire world for possible widest reach of audience. The emphasis is to publish and disseminate emerging issues supportive to human development and improved quality of life within the following sub-areas of education and governance.
Education |
Governance |
Alternative learning Basic education Cultural education Distance education Early childhood education Educational leadership Health education Higher education Mathematics education Music education Science education Special education Sports education Teaching and Pedagogy Values education |
Conflict resolution and management Corporate governance Development administration Economic governance Environmental management e-Government studies and practices Governance systems Fiscal policy and governance Human and public resource management ICT governance Natural resource management Public administration, governance and management Public policy Social reform and policy Tax policy and administration |
The AJGE editorial team puts highest premium and quality standard in research article publishing guided by integrity, professionalism and excellence.
Publication Frequency
AJGE publishes annual issues in June of each fiscal year adopting the American English language and welcomes authors of any nationality from around the world. All issues of the Journal can be accessed online at https://journal.evsu.edu.ph/index.php/ajge
At this initial publication both online and in print, the AJGE humbly starts being indexed with Google Scholar and the ResearchGate. It seeks to apply abstracting with major abstracting companies and library holdings.
AJGE policy forbids corresponding author from submitting the same manuscript to two or more publishing journals, nor it supports publication of any article which has already been published elsewhere, either in part or the whole of it.
Code of Ethics
The AGJE upholds high ethical standards in each phase of the publication process. It ensures that all of its accepted (and consequently published) articles are in conformity with the codes of ethical norms guaranteeing all-time confidentiality along the evaluation processes, anonymity of reviewers and authors.
It is the primary responsibility of the author to ensure that any submitted research article to AJGE is a result of original work. Submitted manuscript should pass the allowed plagiarism level indicated by text matching percentage using any program such as Turnitin, PlagScan, IThenticate, etc. prior to submission of the research article to ajge@evsu.edu.ph. All submitted research articles/manuscripts must comply with AJGE acceptable similarity index range: ≤ 5%- PASS; 6-30%- RESUBMIT; > 30%-REJECT. The rating PASS connotes that the submitted article has qualified for the peer review process (see Author Guidelines). Research article or manuscript with similarity index beyond 30 percent are rejected immediately. The corresponding author is notified of the plagiarism test result though email.
Lag time
The acceptance or rejection decision is guaranteed to be reached within 18 weeks or between three (3) to four (4) months period. The lag time between submission to publication of accepted article is within five (5) to six (6) months.
Article authors reflected during initial submission to AJGE are understood as the authentic and original writers of the article. Deletion any of the indicated authors requires full consent of the AJGE’s Editor-in-Chief. A manuscript intended for submission to the AJGE must follow the Author Guidelines.
Manuscript Format
The journal adheres to the manuscript format sequenced by section as “1. Introduction, 2. Literature Review, 3. Research Methodology, 4. Results and Discussion, and 5. Conclusion and Recommendations.†Other essential parts are also included “Title, Author/s and corresponding affiliation, Abstract with Key words and/or phrases, References, Acknowledgments, and Appendices.†Essentially, the submitted manuscript must be in conformity with AJGE’s Author Guidelines.
Peer-review process
The AJGE adheres to a double-blind peer-review process of any submitted article after it passes the required originality level (plagiarism issues are appropriately addressed) and when the article is within the scope of the journal. Two independent peer reviewers evaluate the publication merit of the article according to its scientific quality based on the Reviewer’s Form. Corresponding author is required to submit two potential reviewers upon article submission. Peer reviewers are objectively chosen by the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with some members of the Editorial Team, from the suggested potential reviewers or from the roster of AJGE expert reviewers. The assessment revolves around the strengths and weaknesses of submitted article, with the end view of attaining highest quality publication for the AJGE. Notification of the editorial decision on the submitted article is provided within the specified lag time in the “Lag Time†section.
Please direct all inquiries and correspondence to:
The Editor-in-Chief
Asian Journal of Governance and Education (AJGE)
Room 102, Ground floor, Graduate School Building
Eastern Visayas State University
Arch. Lino Gonzaga Avenue
Tacloban City, Philippines 6500
email: editorinchief.ajge@evsu.edu.ph