Teachers’ time allocation and students’ achievement in statistics and probability


  • Gildo Alvarado Moroni San Miguel National High School
  • Richard S. Brun Eastern Visayas State University


Instructional time allocation, statistics achievement level, explanatory sequential


This study investigated teachers’ instructional time allocation for the different classroom activities with focus on preliminary activities, warm-up review, establishing pre-requisites, motivation, lesson proper, evaluation, assignment, describing students’ achievement level in statistics and probability. It also identified the relationship between the level of student achievement in statistics and probability and teachers’ instructional time allocation, uncovered issues and challenges encountered by teachers in the instructional allocation of time and problems encountered by the students in learning statistics and probability. The study utilized descriptive and correlational research design. It was carried out to twelve senior high teacher-respondents handling statistics and to 410 Humanities and Social Sciences Grade 11 student-respondents in Area 1 of the Leyte Division, Department of Education. Data were gathered using an Instructional Time Allocation Questionnaire, Achievement Test in statistics and a qualitative questionnaire. Quantitative data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques while qualitative were analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed that there was a significant weak positive relationship between the achievement level in statistics and probability of grade 11 students and the instructional time allotted to preliminary activities, warm-up, motivation, lesson proper and evaluation. However, the instructional time allotted in the assignment portion of the instruction has no significant relationship to students’ achievement level in statistics. Teachers’ challenges in instructional time allocation encompassed challenges related to students, curriculum, and teacher-related challenges while students encountered problems of self-related, teacher-related, and materials-related problems in learning statistics and probability.

Author Biographies

Gildo Alvarado Moroni, San Miguel National High School

San Miguel National High School,
San Miguel District, Division of Leyte,
Department of Education, Philippines

Richard S. Brun, Eastern Visayas State University

Eastern Visayas State University,
Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines


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