SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal <p align="justify"><em>SABTON:</em> <em>Multidisciplinary Research Journal</em> is the official research publication of the Eastern Visayas State University-Burauen Campus. It is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, and open-access research journal which publishes articles in the fields of Mathematics, Management, Agri-Fishery, Education, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Language, Literature, Technology, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Published biannually, in June and December.</p> Eastern Visayas State University - Burauen Campus en-US SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2945-3828 Herbert Marcuse’s Theory of Domination <p style="text-align: justify;">This investigation hopes to make an exposition of a theory of domination that can be found in the writings of the German critical theorist Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse thinks that man as well as human society has been reduced into a one-dimensional system in which needs are manufactured by the state’s technical capacity. Domination permeates all walks of life. Beginning with Sigmund Freud, the paper traces how a system of control has found its way into our way of life. Capitalism’s dominant values have characterized the nature of modern technology, from our gadgets to social media. The culture industry has reduced people and human relations into the superficial. The meaning of freedom, in this sense, should be found elsewhere. The author proposes a return to ordinary life where happiness is to be described as the freedom from false needs and empty desires.</p> Christopher Ryan Maboloc Copyright (c) 2021 SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021-06-04 2021-06-04 3 1 1 14 Ethics as Means to Win the COVID-19 Pandemic <p>One of the main challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is the observance of health and safety protocols. Based on direct observation, many people in public places fail to observe these protocols and thus making themselves and others vulnerable to the virus. Through textual analysis and hermeneutics, this study provides elucidations using the ethical principles, theories, and frameworks of select philosophers like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and Jean Stuart Mill to educate, remind, qualify or justify why the strict observance of these protocols are necessary and vital to protection and promotion of the welfare of people making them safe and healthy during the pandemic. The findings reveal that not following these protocols prevents people from attaining the highest good which is happiness. Likewise, violating the protocols is contrary to duty or the absolute command of reason. Moreover, failure to observe the protocols causes harm to oneself and others than good. The study concludes that ethics provides propelling reasons for people to follow the health and safety protocols during the pandemic. This is how ethics helps win the pandemic.</p> Glenn Pajares Copyright (c) 2021 SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021-06-04 2021-06-04 3 1 15 22 The Notion of Peace in the “Sinugbuanon-Baybayanon”: Perspectives of the People from the Margins <p style="text-align: justify;">Peace is one thing that many cultures understand and define. As language is a part of culture, peace is also expressed and construed in a variety of ways. This paper explores into how members of two marginalized communities, a coastal fishing barangay and a farming village in the hinterlands of Baybay City in the western part of Leyte, understand the notion of peace. Using the framework of Virgilio Enriquez’s makapilipinong pananaliksik, this study aims to determine the Baybayanon local terms fisherfolks and farmers relate to peace, inquire into the various aspects of how Baybayanon fisherfolks and farmers define peace, and understand the Baybayanon fisherfolks and farmers’ means of achieving peace. This study then concludes that Baybayanon fisherfolks and farmers notions of peace are expressed through the terms and definitions in line with the peace concepts of kinabuhi sa kinaiyahan (life in relation to the environment), gugma sa isig ka tawo (love for others) and pagsalig ug pagtuo sa Ginoo (trust and faith in God).</p> Guiraldo Fernandez, Jr Jett Quebec Copyright (c) 2021 SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021-06-04 2021-06-04 3 1 23 33 Warpanish: A Morphologic Analysis of Hispanic Borrowed Words in Waray Visayan <p>One of the most facilely observable proofs of intercultural contact and communication is the set of borrowed words that are imported into the vocabulary of each language involved. The abstract noun "borrowing" refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. This paper uses a descriptive analysis method of research. Language description is the main concern of this study; it focuses on the analysis of the language, not how language is acquired. This paper aims to identify and describe how Hispanic words borrowed in Waray Visayan become products of acculturation through lexical nativization. Four published Oral Narratives in the target language were used for textual analysis. This linguistic research analyzes morphologically the textuality of the following Waray Visayan susumaton (oral narratives): “An Mga Umorukoy Ha Bough Building” (The dwarf dwellers of Bough Building) as narrated by Amador T. Profetana; “Mga Umurokoy ha Sabang” (Invisible residents of Sabang) as narrated by Florencio Marpa; “Hi Domingo Orioque” (A man named Domingo Orioque) as narrated by Jose Negado and Panfilo Insigne; and “Hi Gimay”(A woman named Gimay) as narrated by Matilde Padulla Marpa.&nbsp; These oral narratives are taken from a book titled <em>Susumaton: Oral Narratives of Leyte</em>, edited by Ms. Merlie M. Alunan.&nbsp; This book is a compilation of oral narratives from all over Leyte, documented through tape recording, and was transcribed word for word. This paper reveals that the Hispanic borrowed words in Waray Visayan are acculturated by generally nativizing their orthography, which definitely corresponds to nativized phonology, since Waray Visayan (as all Philippines languages are) is a phonetic language (spelled as pronounced) and by adding affixes, a clear process of lexical nativization. In conclusion, this paper proves that Hispanic words borrowed in Waray Visayan are acculturated through lexical nativization. As a result, it is suggested that a parallel lexical investigation be conducted in various genres of mass media, literary textualities, communicative verbal transactions, and documents in the various Philippine languages.</p> Jett Quebec Copyright (c) 2021 SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021-06-04 2021-06-04 3 1 34 48 Inclusion in Education: Ensuring Educational Equity in Relation to Gender, Class, Race and Ethnicity <p>This paper attempts to articulate the relevance of the principle of inclusion in education in relation to gender, social class, race and ethnicity. It begins with a discussion on the meaning of inclusion vis-à -vis the notion of exclusion. This is important because inclusion can best be explained through its opposite, inasmuch as we can only make sense of inclusion in education if we have understood and analyzed the way in which the minority students have been excluded in schools. The paper then proceeds with a discussion on the relevance of the notion of inclusion in education by highlighting the extent and the way in which gender, social class, race and ethnicity influence educational achievement. Finally, given that a number of students of gender, social class, race and ethnicity have been shut out from the social, economic, political and cultural systems which are viewed as institutional platforms necessary for them to be integrated into their communities, the paper argues that schools must ensure inclusion and equality of opportunity for pupil outcomes along the lines of gender, social class, race and ethnicity.</p> Jeffry Ocay Sheldon Ives Agaton Asuncion Villote Copyright (c) 2021 SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021-06-04 2021-06-04 3 1 49 59 About the Authors <p>-</p> SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal Copyright (c) 2021 SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2021-06-04 2021-06-04 3 1