Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, Disaster Relief and RehabilitationAbstract
This study assessed the implementation of School Disaster Risk Reduction Management (SDRRM) in Public Elementary Schools in Region VIII. Specifically, it determined SDRRM Team profile as to sex, civil status, educational attainment, position in the SDRRM Team, DRRM trainings attended, and membership in any DRRM- related organizations. It determined the level of implementation of SDRRM as assessed by SDRRM Team. Differences between assessments of SDRRM Team were computed on the level of implementation. Furthermore, the profile of the respondent’s relationship on the level of implementation of SDRRM was also determined. The descriptive-correlation method of research was employed in the study. To be able to analyze the respondents’ profiles; counts and percentages were used. The mean scores were analyzed to determine the level of implementation of SDRRM. As to the significant difference among the ratings on the implementation level of SDRRM team, T-test were used. The use of Point- biserial correlation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Eta Correlation if there was a significant relationship were applied as well. The recommendations are herewith presented: 1. SDRRM Team must undergo capability enhancement trainings to equip DRRM Knowledge and skills; 2. improve the level of implementation of SDRRM in the remaining thirteen (13) specific activities from moderately to highly implemented by conducting trainings; 3. encourage teachers to pursue further studies in order to equip DRRM knowledge and skills; 4. ensure coordination of SDRRM team with Local Government Units (LGU) and Health Units on matters relating to COVID-19; and 5. SDRRM development plan was designed to improve the implementation of SDRRM in public elementary schools in Region VIII.
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