Narrating Resilience: Post-Haiyan Stories of Death, Humor, and Faith


  • Dennis Moreto Bautista Leyte Normal University


Death, Near-Death Experience, Cognitive Interference, Sense of Helplessness, Faith


Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest typhoon ever recorded in history to make landfall, struck its first fatal blow on the Philippines in November of 2013. Since then, victims of this horrible event begun recuperating and hoped to return to normalcy. Despite the horrifying experience, the survivors lived to tell many stories of dying, humor, and faith. This study collected multiple experiences of individuals confronted with aversive stimuli and their reaction to it. A qualitative research approach has been utilized, specifically the case study method. This described, evaluated, and interpreted the different personal experiences of Yolanda survivors anchored on the cognitive interference theory and sense of helplessness. The study seeks to describe how the communal coping mechanisms rectify the negative effects of the super typhoon Haiyan. The study emphasized the role of the Filipino values such as pakikipagkapwa (being one with the other) pakikisama (being along with), bayanihan (communal unity) and damayan (compassion) among community members Filipinos utilized these indigenous values as source of strength in coping with their loss. These values are existing endemic mechanism that help them built their lives again and again every time they experience catastrophe or disaster. The result of the study will provide insights on how to make use of the Filipino values in disaster interventions and help improve in the recovery program.

Author Biography

Dennis Moreto Bautista, Leyte Normal University

Dennis Moreto Bautista is a faculty   in the College of Arts and Sciences – Social Science Unit of Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City. He acquired his bachelor’s degree in Classical Philosophy at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Palo Leyte, and his Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) Social Sciences at the Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City.  He is currently finishing his Ph.D.   Social Science Research at the same university.


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How to Cite

Bautista, D. M. (2019). Narrating Resilience: Post-Haiyan Stories of Death, Humor, and Faith. SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1), 14–27. Retrieved from