A Lesson Study on Using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA): Approach in Addressing Misconceptions in Learning Fractions


  • Mariel Africa
  • Arianne Mae Borboran St. Peter the Apostle School
  • Mary-Ann Guilleno
  • Melrose Mendiola Pasolo Elementary School
  • Karlo May Portento Southville International School and Colleges
  • Randolph Rodriguez Pasolo Elementary School
  • Jennifer Torrefranca Rosa L. Susano-Novaliches Elementary School
  • Rona Marie Viernes (M&R Learning Horizon)
  • Rosie Conde Philippines Normal University- Manila


Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Approach, Operations on fractions, lesson study


This paper explores the use of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach in teaching operations on fractions to address the misconceptions in learning fractions. Through a lesson study, the researchers aimed to reflect on and evaluate the effect of the planned activities on students’ engagement and processing of the learning of the research topic. The study was conducted in an elementary school in Las Piñas City, Philippines, and the various results and recommendations were as follows: (1) providing concrete examples in the context of the students enhances students’ engagement, (2) stimulating and processing responses from students help develop the concept, and (3) connecting the learning to various subjects or fields deepens the students’ understanding of the topic.

Author Biographies

Arianne Mae Borboran, St. Peter the Apostle School

Arianne Mae T. Borboran is a Mathematics Teacher at St. Peter the Apostle School handling grade school, high school, and senior high school level. Currently, she is also a Developmental Editor, and a Content and Language Editor at Rex Publishing, Inc. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics for Teachers Degree from Philippine Normal University and passed her comprehensive exam for Masters of Arts in Mathematics Education – with Specialization in Elementary School Teaching from the same university. Aside from teaching, she also presents and publish papers in some national and international conferences

Melrose Mendiola, Pasolo Elementary School

Melrose G. Mendiola is a Teacher II of Pasolo Elementary School, Division of Valenzuela handling Mathematics for 18 years.  She obtained her Bachelor’s degree and currently pursuing her graduate studies at Philippine Normal University with the degree in Master of Arts in Mathematics Education with specialization in Elementary School Teaching.  She is also an MTAP trainer from 2004 to present.

Karlo May Portento, Southville International School and Colleges

Karlo May Portento is a basic education teacher in Southville International School and Colleges. Teacher K took up Bachelor of Science in Mathematics for Teachers at Philippine Normal University where she still takes her Master's Degree in Mathematics Education with specialization in Elementary School Teaching. Apart from being a Mathematics teacher, Teacher K also became a trainor in various national and international mathematics competition. Also, she was engaged to different research conferences and became a National Presenter for Mathematics Teacher's Association of the Philippines National Convention in 2017.

Randolph Rodriguez, Pasolo Elementary School

Randolph Rodriguez is a Teacher 1 at Pasolo Elementary School, Division of Valenzuela handling Mathematics for 9 years. He graduated with the degree Bachelor of Elementary Education with specialization in General Education from Partido State University, Goa, Camarines Sur. He is currently taking up his Masters of Arts in Mathematics Education – with Specialization in Elementary School Teaching at Philippine Normal University. He is also an MTAP and a Journalism trainer.

Jennifer Torrefranca, Rosa L. Susano-Novaliches Elementary School

Jennifer R. Torrefranca is a Teacher III of Rosa L. Susano-Novaliches Elementary School and the Mathematics Coordinator of the said school. She obtained her Bachelor's degree and is pursuing her graduate studies in Philippine Normal University with the degree in Masters of Arts in Mathematics Education – with Specialization in Elementary School Teaching. From 2002 until the present, she is one of the successful trainers of the school's Math wizards who joins in different Mathematical Olympiads locally and internationally. She has taught Mathematics for 19 years handling levels from grades 1 to 6.

Rona Marie Viernes, (M&R Learning Horizon)

Rona Marie D. Viernes was a former Grade 1 Teacher at San Pablo Colleges for 3 years and a Grade 2 teacher at Melrose School of San Pablo for a year. She graduated Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in General Education at Laguna State Polytechnic University. She is pursuing her Masters of Arts in Mathematics Education with specialization in Elementary School Teaching at Philippine Normal University. Right now, she is a co-owner of an online tutorial center (M&R Learning Horizon) at San Pablo City, Laguna and a part-time ESL trainer at a Japanese Company.

Rosie Conde, Philippines Normal University- Manila

Rosie L. Conde, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research (CGSTER) at the Philippines Normal University- Manila. Her research interests are in Mathematics Education, Didactics of Mathematics and Anthropological Theory of the Didactics, Social Justice, Gender and Equity in Mathematics Education. Her published works focused on textbooks in Mathematics and researches in Didactics of Mathematics and Mathematics Education.


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How to Cite

Africa, M., Borboran, A. M., Guilleno, M.-A., Mendiola, M., Portento, K. M., Rodriguez, R., Torrefranca, J., Viernes, R. M. ., & Conde, R. . . (2020). A Lesson Study on Using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA): Approach in Addressing Misconceptions in Learning Fractions. SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(1), 1–8. Retrieved from https://journal.evsu.edu.ph/index.php/sabton-mrj/article/view/218