Inclusion in Education: Ensuring Educational Equity in Relation to Gender, Class, Race and Ethnicity
Inclusion in education, educational equity, gender gapAbstract
This paper attempts to articulate the relevance of the principle of inclusion in education in relation to gender, social class, race and ethnicity. It begins with a discussion on the meaning of inclusion vis-Ã -vis the notion of exclusion. This is important because inclusion can best be explained through its opposite, inasmuch as we can only make sense of inclusion in education if we have understood and analyzed the way in which the minority students have been excluded in schools. The paper then proceeds with a discussion on the relevance of the notion of inclusion in education by highlighting the extent and the way in which gender, social class, race and ethnicity influence educational achievement. Finally, given that a number of students of gender, social class, race and ethnicity have been shut out from the social, economic, political and cultural systems which are viewed as institutional platforms necessary for them to be integrated into their communities, the paper argues that schools must ensure inclusion and equality of opportunity for pupil outcomes along the lines of gender, social class, race and ethnicity.
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