Ethics as Means to Win the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19, Ethics, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Jean Stuart MillAbstract
One of the main challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is the observance of health and safety protocols. Based on direct observation, many people in public places fail to observe these protocols and thus making themselves and others vulnerable to the virus. Through textual analysis and hermeneutics, this study provides elucidations using the ethical principles, theories, and frameworks of select philosophers like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and Jean Stuart Mill to educate, remind, qualify or justify why the strict observance of these protocols are necessary and vital to protection and promotion of the welfare of people making them safe and healthy during the pandemic. The findings reveal that not following these protocols prevents people from attaining the highest good which is happiness. Likewise, violating the protocols is contrary to duty or the absolute command of reason. Moreover, failure to observe the protocols causes harm to oneself and others than good. The study concludes that ethics provides propelling reasons for people to follow the health and safety protocols during the pandemic. This is how ethics helps win the pandemic.
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