Above ground Carbon Storage and Species Diversity of Mangrove Stand in Leyte Island, Philippines


  • Pearl Aphrodite B. Carnice


Rhizophora apiculate, Sonneratia alba, Avicenna marina, C-stocks, CO2 Sequestration


Mangroves are commonly found along sheltered coastlines in the tropics and sub-tropics, fulfilling essential socio-economic and environmental functions. However, because of Super Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, the studied mangrove stand was severely affected. After three years, this study determined the current mangrove species diversity and the amount of carbon sequestered. The study employed a nondestructive quadrat technique to determine species composition and forest structure. An allometric equation was used in c-stocks estimation. Three (3) mangrove species were identified, namely, Rhizophora apiculata, Sonneratia alba, and Avicenna marina, in sixty-four plots with 10x10 m size. Results showed species frequency of 1.41, species density of 22.89, and diversity index of 1.245. R. apiculata rendered the highest IVI values (228.5%), followed by A. marina (49.3%) and S. alba (22.2%). The overall means of biomass, C-stocks and CO2eq of the mangrove stand in the whole research area of 6.46  ha were 10.89 MgB ha-1, 5.99 MgC ha-1, and 21.99 Mg ha-1 CO2eq, respectively. Such results are quite low compared to mangrove stands in Asia but indicated that it could sequester substantial atmospheric with intensified protection and conversation despite less species diversity.




How to Cite

Carnice, P. A. B. . (2021). Above ground Carbon Storage and Species Diversity of Mangrove Stand in Leyte Island, Philippines. ARADMAN: Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1(1), 50–69. Retrieved from https://journal.evsu.edu.ph/index.php/amrj/article/view/246