Asian Journal of Governance and Education (AJGE) 2021-07-08T11:42:52+08:00 Asian Journal of Governance and Education (AJGE) Open Journal Systems <p>The <em><strong>Asian Journal of Governance and Education (AJGE)</strong></em> with ISSN 2704-3037, is the official research journal of Graduate School, Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU) published annually through the auspices of the EVSU Press. It is devoted to publishing original papers in the broad areas of <strong>governance</strong> and <strong>education</strong>. The AJGE, as an open accessed peer-reviewed research journal, does not oblige any publication fee from authors and contributors, neither accepts nor commissions a third party consent.</p> Assessment of the implementation of community-based projects of the Department of Science and Technology, Eastern Visayas, Philippines 2021-07-08T11:38:01+08:00 Lucia Padul–Dauz <p>Community-based projects are established as a strategy to create jobs and alleviate poverty. This study assessed the implementation of the Department of Science and Technology Grant-in Aid funded community-based projects in Eastern Visayas, Philippines. The study utilized the descriptive survey research design utilizing a researcher made survey questionnaire. Primary data gathering was carried out by the researcher with the assistance of the assigned staff in the provinces. The generated data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. The findings revealed that majority of the community-based projects run by the Associations are sustainable with other projects still in the initiation stage. There is sufficient financial assistance availed from Department of Science and Technology regional office. Many projects are operating within timeframe, moderately stable while others are still in the process of liquidating the availed funds. Project proposals approved for regional funding are prepared by the provincial science and technology centers in cooperation with the local government unit or the state universities and colleges and in consultation with the officers and members of the Association. These concerned agencies do not regularly check the book of accounts of project beneficiary nor monitor project implementation period based on the memorandum of agreement. The local government unit and does not submit the quarterly financial report and audited financial report on time. It is concluded that the implementation of community-based projects is carried out in consonance with the required processes and activities during project pre-operation, project operation, project monitoring and project evaluation. During project operation, delays in equipment acquisition occurred pending bidding requirements and limited number of fabricators of equipment. The researcher recommends that community-based project beneficiaries should contribute in the preparation of the project proposals for funding though the conduct of Community Life Competency Program.</p> 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 0 Utilization of the maintenance and other operating expenses fund and practices of the secondary schools in Tanauan, Leyte, Philippines 2021-07-08T11:39:10+08:00 Arlene Cornejo Redoña Gerry de Cadiz <p>The study examined extent of the utilization of maintenance and other operating expenses fund among high school learning institutions. It made use of the descriptive and correlational survey research design with questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. The study respondents included three hundred five individuals comprised of five school principals, twelve administrative staff and two hundred eighty-nine faculty staff/teachers of various ranks. Descriptive and inferential statistics were generated for the statistical analysis of the gathered data. Findings revealed that profile of respondent principals, teachers and administrative staff are in their middle age with female comprising more than three-fourth of the entire respondents, the same proportion of respondents were married. Meanwhile, almost half completed baccalaureate degree with masters’ credit units. There is underutilization of maintenance and other operating expenses funds per dimension. In conclusion, the extent of utilizations of the maintenance and other operating expenses funds per dimension is only sometimes-utilized. It was also concluded that there is a significant relationship between the extent of utilization of the maintenance and other operating expenses funds and the best practices. The efficiency level of the maintenance and other operating expenses fund disbursements per dimension was moderately efficient.</p> 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 0 Selected Cebuano leaders expression of anger and their collective action 2021-07-08T11:40:14+08:00 Dan Caleb C. Minguito Angel Grace N. Avergonzado James Louies B. Un Reynaldo B. Inocian <p>This study endeavoured to understand the Cebuano leaders’ expression of anger and how it led to collective action. Specifically, this study (1) examined key informants/stories and experiences of anger expression, (2) analyzed their expressed anger within the bounds of their immediate environment; (3) assessed the perceived outcomes of their anger, and (4) investigated the impact of their anger towards collective behavior. This study employed the qualitative approach with nine key informants using cognitive task analysis method. In anger expression; different factors such as professionalism, social media awareness and age gap, the rationale explained the story in more specific detail, a collective reaction and expression of anger, and advantages and disadvantages of anger expressions were dissected and analyzed. The Cebuano leaders’ expression of anger to collective action mirrored a context of that expressions of anger brought by different factors resolved conflicts [either individual or group] affected the leaders’ precursor towards collective action. As part of human nature, anger affected the social environment. Though, anger brought back the balance by its occurrence, its constructive side achieved its desired ends. However, the destructiveness of anger resulted in various forms of conflicts brought by chaos. It remained a puzzle of a two-sided notion of the “good” and the “bad” reality of anger.</p> 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 0 Impact of education and economy to global human capital 2021-07-08T11:40:50+08:00 Darla R. Sanguyo Fe Maria G. Parba John Michael Potot Angelica F. Versales Angeline M. Pogoy <p>This study determined the education and economic factors that influence the human capital which is the collective knowledge and skills of individuals to create economic value. Data gathered were from the World Economic Forum 2017. Top thirty (30) and bottom (30) ranking countries were utilized in this exploratory study. Bipolar analysis through forced clustering of data, and formal testing of statistical hypotheses through t-tests and regression analysis were used in the study. Results showed that top ranking countries in terms of human capital have higher income, more tertiary education graduates, more employment, have very good educational system and more secondary education graduates than the bottom ranking countries. The five (5) variables are statistically significant on the total development of the human capital. However, further analysis revealed that being a secondary and tertiary graduate from a well establish educational system with employment influenced the human capital of a country. Thus, acquiring knowledge and skills through well establish education can produce higher human capital of a country which in turns increase its economy.</p> 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 0 Level of achievement in algebra of grade seven learners 2021-07-08T11:41:52+08:00 Leian U. Compayan Maria Lina A. Dollete <p>Utilizing a descriptive research design, this study determined the level of achievement and the common errors in algebra of grade 7 leaners. The respondents consisted of 109 grade 7 Science, Technology and Engineering learners of Leyte National High School in Tacloban City Division in the school year 2018-2019. The findings of this study revealed that the level of achievement of the respondents in the concept of algebraic expressions, specifically under basic knowledge and simplification, did not meet the expectation. In the concept of equations, their achievement level under basic knowledge and manipulation also did not meet the expectation. As to the concept of inequalities, the respondents have a fairly satisfactory achievement level under basic, but their achievement level under manipulation did not meet the expectation. In problem solving, the respondents have a satisfactory achievement level under basic knowledge, but their achievement level under interpretation did not meet the expectation. Errors in basic knowledge are very high under algebraic expressions and equations, high under inequalities, and average under problem solving. Errors in simplification are very high under algebraic expressions. Errors in manipulation are also very high under equations and inequalities. Errors in interpretation are likewise very high in problem solving. It is concluded that the respondents lack mastery of fundamental concepts of algebra in algebraic expressions, inequalities, equations, and problem solving. Conclusively, they have insufficient knowledge and understanding along these concepts. Two or more error types may be observed under any of the abovementioned algebraic concepts. As much as possible, the leaners should be provided with regular feedback on how they perform in algebra because if ignored and left not corrected, there is high tendency for leaners to have difficulty developing conceptual understanding of algebra as well as difficulty learning higher mathematics subjects, particularly when they move up to university level.</p> 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 0 Teachers’ time allocation and students’ achievement in statistics and probability 2021-07-08T11:42:52+08:00 Gildo Alvarado Moroni Richard S. Brun <p>This study investigated teachers’ instructional time allocation for the different classroom activities with focus on preliminary activities, warm-up review, establishing pre-requisites, motivation, lesson proper, evaluation, assignment, describing students’ achievement level in statistics and probability. It also identified the relationship between the level of student achievement in statistics and probability and teachers’ instructional time allocation, uncovered issues and challenges encountered by teachers in the instructional allocation of time and problems encountered by the students in learning statistics and probability. The study utilized descriptive and correlational research design. It was carried out to twelve senior high teacher-respondents handling statistics and to 410 Humanities and Social Sciences Grade 11 student-respondents in Area 1 of the Leyte Division, Department of Education. Data were gathered using an Instructional Time Allocation Questionnaire, Achievement Test in statistics and a qualitative questionnaire. Quantitative data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques while qualitative were analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed that there was a significant weak positive relationship between the achievement level in statistics and probability of grade 11 students and the instructional time allotted to preliminary activities, warm-up, motivation, lesson proper and evaluation. However, the instructional time allotted in the assignment portion of the instruction has no significant relationship to students’ achievement level in statistics. Teachers’ challenges in instructional time allocation encompassed challenges related to students, curriculum, and teacher-related challenges while students encountered problems of self-related, teacher-related, and materials-related problems in learning statistics and probability.</p> 2019-06-01T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 0