Level of achievement in algebra of grade seven learners


  • Leian U. Compayan Leyte National High School
  • Maria Lina A. Dollete Eastern Visayas State University


algebraic expression, inequalities, equation, problem solving, error interpretation, simplification, achievement level


Utilizing a descriptive research design, this study determined the level of achievement and the common errors in algebra of grade 7 leaners. The respondents consisted of 109 grade 7 Science, Technology and Engineering learners of Leyte National High School in Tacloban City Division in the school year 2018-2019. The findings of this study revealed that the level of achievement of the respondents in the concept of algebraic expressions, specifically under basic knowledge and simplification, did not meet the expectation. In the concept of equations, their achievement level under basic knowledge and manipulation also did not meet the expectation. As to the concept of inequalities, the respondents have a fairly satisfactory achievement level under basic, but their achievement level under manipulation did not meet the expectation. In problem solving, the respondents have a satisfactory achievement level under basic knowledge, but their achievement level under interpretation did not meet the expectation. Errors in basic knowledge are very high under algebraic expressions and equations, high under inequalities, and average under problem solving. Errors in simplification are very high under algebraic expressions. Errors in manipulation are also very high under equations and inequalities. Errors in interpretation are likewise very high in problem solving. It is concluded that the respondents lack mastery of fundamental concepts of algebra in algebraic expressions, inequalities, equations, and problem solving. Conclusively, they have insufficient knowledge and understanding along these concepts. Two or more error types may be observed under any of the abovementioned algebraic concepts. As much as possible, the leaners should be provided with regular feedback on how they perform in algebra because if ignored and left not corrected, there is high tendency for leaners to have difficulty developing conceptual understanding of algebra as well as difficulty learning higher mathematics subjects, particularly when they move up to university level.

Author Biographies

Leian U. Compayan, Leyte National High School

Leyte National High School, Tacloban City Division,
Department of Education, Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines

Maria Lina A. Dollete, Eastern Visayas State University

College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Visayas State University,
Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines


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