Utilization of the maintenance and other operating expenses fund and practices of the secondary schools in Tanauan, Leyte, Philippines
Maintenance and other operating expenses, fund best practicesAbstract
The study examined extent of the utilization of maintenance and other operating expenses fund among high school learning institutions. It made use of the descriptive and correlational survey research design with questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. The study respondents included three hundred five individuals comprised of five school principals, twelve administrative staff and two hundred eighty-nine faculty staff/teachers of various ranks. Descriptive and inferential statistics were generated for the statistical analysis of the gathered data. Findings revealed that profile of respondent principals, teachers and administrative staff are in their middle age with female comprising more than three-fourth of the entire respondents, the same proportion of respondents were married. Meanwhile, almost half completed baccalaureate degree with masters’ credit units. There is underutilization of maintenance and other operating expenses funds per dimension. In conclusion, the extent of utilizations of the maintenance and other operating expenses funds per dimension is only sometimes-utilized. It was also concluded that there is a significant relationship between the extent of utilization of the maintenance and other operating expenses funds and the best practices. The efficiency level of the maintenance and other operating expenses fund disbursements per dimension was moderately efficient.
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