Assessment of the implementation of community-based projects of the Department of Science and Technology, Eastern Visayas, Philippines
Community-based project, local government unit, state university and colleges, department of science and technology, provincial science and technology centerAbstract
Community-based projects are established as a strategy to create jobs and alleviate poverty. This study assessed the implementation of the Department of Science and Technology Grant-in Aid funded community-based projects in Eastern Visayas, Philippines. The study utilized the descriptive survey research design utilizing a researcher made survey questionnaire. Primary data gathering was carried out by the researcher with the assistance of the assigned staff in the provinces. The generated data were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. The findings revealed that majority of the community-based projects run by the Associations are sustainable with other projects still in the initiation stage. There is sufficient financial assistance availed from Department of Science and Technology regional office. Many projects are operating within timeframe, moderately stable while others are still in the process of liquidating the availed funds. Project proposals approved for regional funding are prepared by the provincial science and technology centers in cooperation with the local government unit or the state universities and colleges and in consultation with the officers and members of the Association. These concerned agencies do not regularly check the book of accounts of project beneficiary nor monitor project implementation period based on the memorandum of agreement. The local government unit and does not submit the quarterly financial report and audited financial report on time. It is concluded that the implementation of community-based projects is carried out in consonance with the required processes and activities during project pre-operation, project operation, project monitoring and project evaluation. During project operation, delays in equipment acquisition occurred pending bidding requirements and limited number of fabricators of equipment. The researcher recommends that community-based project beneficiaries should contribute in the preparation of the project proposals for funding though the conduct of Community Life Competency Program.
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