Supervisory approaches and practices of school heads, job satisfaction and work performance of teachers


  • Gerome R. Negad Department of Education - Leyte Division
  • Lydia M. Morante Eastern Visayas State University


Supervisory approaches, practices, job satisfaction, work performance, school heads


The study determined the supervisory approaches and practices of school heads, the level of job satisfaction and work performance of teachers in the Division of Leyte, Philippines during school year 2017-2018.  It employed a mixed research designs of both quantitative and qualitative approaches with 180 school heads and 1,080 teachers through multi-stage sampling in the five areas of the Division. A focus group discussion (FGD) was also utilized to selected school heads and teachers based on established inclusion criteria. The findings revealed that school heads use non-directive approach. School heads always dispense their supervisory functions to teachers. The teachers are generally satisfied with their job and have very satisfactory level of work performance. The school heads’ supervisory approaches and extent of supervisory practices did not relate with the job satisfaction and work performance of teachers. In conclusion, the school heads supervisory approaches and practices have no bearing on teachers’ work performance and on the teachers’ job satisfaction. It is recommended that school heads utilize the non-directive approach to strengthen the relationship among school stakeholders, widen their supervisory practices and assist their teachers in carrying out programs and projects. They need to develop strategies and techniques to enhance teaching and student learning, establish healthy working environment and rivet on maintaining facilitative atmosphere for teachers, and involve their teachers in the planning, organizing, communicating, implementing programs and projects beneficial to the entire school stakeholders.

Author Biography

Gerome R. Negad, Department of Education - Leyte Division

Consuegra Elementary School,
Leyte District, Division of Leyte,
Department of Education
Leyte, Leyte, Philippines


