Effectiveness of Marungko approach on the English reading performance and comprehension skills of first grade Thai learners
Marungko approach, reading performance, comprehension skills, phonic, decoding, fluency, proficiencyAbstract
This study investigated the English reading performance and comprehension skills of grade one learners in a sectarian basic education institution within a Thai learning environment covering the academic year 2017-2018. The researcher employed the Marungko approach, a method associated with phonics, as a learning intervention in improving the learners’ English reading ability. The study made use of a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test assessment in the areas of phonemic awareness and letter knowledge, phonics and decoding; and (3) fluency and proficiency. Findings revealed that the reading performance and comprehension skills of the participants significantly improved after implementation of the Marungko intervention. There was a significant increase in the learners’ reading ability and in their comprehension skills from the pre- to the post-test after subjecting the generated data to T-Test for two correlated samples. Henceforth, it is concluded that the Marungko approach is effective in enhancing English reading ability and comprehension skills among grade one Thai learners. The study also confirmed the arguments of the language acquisition theory and situated learning theory.
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