Leadership Styles, Skills and Ethical Management Behavior of Administrators in Government Higher Education Institutions
leadership styles, leadership skills, ethical management behavior, transformational leadership, intellectual stimulation, self-motivation, teamworkAbstract
This study examined the leadership styles, skills and extent of ethical management behavior of administrators among government higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Eastern Visayas Region, Philippines. It employed descriptive and correlational research designs. The respondents comprised the school administrators of the main campus of government HEIs under review. Complete enumeration for school administrator respondents was implemented in the study. Standardized questionnaires from previous researches were adopted. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis were carried out to assess if significant relationships existed among the studied variables. Findings revealed that curriculum and staff development were very satisfactorily implemented as confirmed by the HEIs administrators. The school administrators often practiced transformational leadership, intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation. However, they only sometimes practiced work ethics while often practicing self-motivation and teamwork. Respondents’ gender was statistically associated with ethical management behavior, age and ethical management were significantly correlated with teamwork. Nomothetic or democratic leadership style was significantly associated with self-motivation, teamwork and professionalism. Classroom supervision and intellectual stimulation, professionalism and idealized influence were significantly related to teamwork. The school administrators practice nomothetic or democratic leadership style, they are very satisfactory in the implementation of instructional leadership skills in their jobs. They are transformational leaders and often practiced ethical management behavior in their jobs. The more the school administrator practice leadership styles the more they practice ethical management behavior. The higher are the instructional and transformational leadership skills possessed by school administrators the more they practice ethical management behavior. There is a need for school administrators to attend in-service trainings or workshops to increase, if not sustain, their ethical management behavior. A validation study may be conducted to adequately assess other leadership styles, skills and ethical management behavior of school administrators involving variables not covered in this study.
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