Assessment of the Ten-Year Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan of Cebu City, Philippines


  • Shyra Mae S. Alfajardo University of San Jose Recoletos
  • Bryan Kent N. Catubig University of San Jose Recoletos
  • Ejie P. Dagasdas University of San Jose Recoletos
  • Roznie Anne O. Romitman University of San Jose Recoletos
  • Reymar C. Reymar C. Sarsoza Department of Education - Cebu City Division


solid waste management, city ordinances, ecological solid waste management, solid waste management system


This study evaluated the ten-year Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan of Cebu City Local Government Unit in view of establishing a clear track of the city’s goal to reduce the generation of municipal solid wastes and how the Cebu City laid out the Plan for implementation of an integrated “solid waste management†system. This research examined the “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats†of the plan implementation. Findings revealed that Cebu City responded well to the challenge of solving its burgeoning garbage disposal problems. It has enacted several ordinances to strengthen policy implementation geared towards resolving the garbage and waste management besetting the city for several years now. The Cebu City government also enforce all villages to comply and adhere to the ten-year ecological waste plan, minimize their waste produce and recycle things whenever possible. It has also allocated funds in support of the solid waste management programs and operations. It is concluded that the initial implementation of the ten-year solid waste management plan was achieved rather at a slow pace. The implementers are not fully committed and disciplined aggravated by lack of manpower and personnel manning the garbage operations. There are political interventions which hamper the smooth implementation processes of the plan. The Cebu City should ensure and promote the rights of its constituents towards a healthy and balance environment.


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