Community based policing practices in preventing and countering violent extremism


  • Romeo Santander Philippine National Police Academy
  • Alvin Balio Philippine National Police Academy
  • Aileen Recla Philippine National Police Academy
  • Angelo Durana Philippine National Police Academy
  • Roselle Jardin-Ranario


Community based policing practices, violent extremism, community engagement, intelligence gathering, police presence


This study assessed the implementation of the Community Based Policing Practices (CBPP) in preventing and countering violent extremism in a local government unit specifically in terms of Community Engagement, Intelligence Gathering and Police Presence. The stakeholder’s participation, challenges encountered in implementing CBPP were also determined. An increased number of undocumented migrant Muslims in Pajac village, Lapulapu City that have posed the community at risk for violent extremist groups that may lurk in the area. An increased number of subdivisions and housing areas also add up to the effect of high social mobility that increased the demand for safety and security in the village.  The local government of Pajac village manifests initiatives in countering and preventing violent extremism however it was rarely observed by the stakeholders particularly to both non - Muslim and Muslim residents. Preemptive initiatives are limited to meetings and dialogues with the people’s organizations and other informal leaders. Stakeholder participation is also limited to, collaborative meetings with the same groups. There are preemptive activities conducted in the village however there were no responsive strategies that will address the risk or presence of violent extremists. It is hoped that a more collaborative participation across all stakeholders to address safety and security threats should be strengthened to promote a more responsive practice in countering violent extremism.


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